general terms

general terms

  1. These general conditions regulate the relations between "Rosbul Arm" EOOD, a company registered in the Commercial Register with EIC:121536792, with registered office and address of management: Sofia city, 1592, Iskar district, zh.k. Company I, bl. 183 – Paterer, hereinafter referred to as the Seller, and every person, which uses the Oragie.Net website, hereinafter referred to as the User and any person, who makes a purchase on this website, mobile application, or in any of the Seller's commercial establishments, hereinafter referred to as Buyer.
  2. Information about the seller:

Name of the Seller: "Rosbul Arm" EOOD

Headquarters and address of management: Sofia city, 1592, Iskar district, zh.k. Company I, bl. 183 – Paterer

Address for making complaints from users: Sofia city, Iskar district, zh.k. Company I, bl. 183 – paterer or by email at: Tel: 028790099

Entry in public registers: EIC 121536792

Manager: Veselin Nikolov

2.1 Supervisory authorities:

Commission for the Protection of Personal Data

Address: city. Sofia, he is. "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" no 2,

language: (02) 940 20 46

fax: (02) 940 36 40


2.2 Consumer Protection Commission

Address: 1000 city. Sofia, Vrabcha Street no 1,

language: 02 / 980 25 24

fax: 02 / 988 42 18

hotline: 0700 111 22

  1. Definitions

"SELLER" is "Rosbul Arm" EOOD – legal entity, merchant, which sells or offers for sale goods or enters into contracts for the sale of goods, acting within the scope of its commercial activity, as well as any person, which acts in his name and at his expense.

"USER" is any person, that uses the functionalities of Oragie.Net and accesses its content.

"BUYER" is any person, including another merchant, that purchases goods through Oragie.Net or at some of the Seller's outlets.

“USER” is any legal person, which acquires goods or uses services, which are not intended for commercial or professional activity, and any natural person, which, as a party to a contract of sale, acts outside the scope of its commercial or professional activity.

"MERCHANT" is a person, which acts within the scope of its commercial or business activity, trade or profession in the public or private sector, as well as any person, which acts in his name and at his expense.

“MANUFACTURER” is the face, which produces the good, the importer of the goods on the territory of the European Union or of a country - a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and every person, which impersonates a manufacturer, by putting his name on the goods, trademark or other distinguishing mark.

“COMMERCIAL OBJECT” is real estate for retail trade, in which the Seller constantly carries out its activities, or any movable retail establishment, in which the Seller normally conducts its business.

“VIRTUAL STORE” is software, accessed via the Internet when using the Oragie.Net website, the mobile application (or application), and through which the sale of goods is carried out through the conclusion of a distance contract between the Seller and the Buyer, by providing the possibility to choose goods through a user basket, as well as to provide contact information for the Buyer, delivery address and payment method.

"SITE" is Oragie.Net – dedicated place on the Internet, accessible through its unified address (URL) over HTTPS protocol or other standardized protocol and containing files, programs, text, sound, picture, image or other materials and resources.

“MOBILE APPLICATION” is a software offering for a smartphone or mobile device, or it is a type of computer program, created, to work on mobile devices, smartphones or tablets.

"PROFILE" means a section of the e-store, formed by an email address and a password, which contains information, including personal data about the User and/or the Buyer and the history of some of his actions in the electronic store (orders, tax invoices, etc.)

"GOOD" is any movable tangible thing, which is offered for sale by the Seller, including that contains digital content or digital service or is interconnected with digital content or digital service in such a way, that the absence of the digital content or digital service would prevent the goods from performing their functions.

"ORDER" is the request made by the User through the virtual store to the Seller for the purchase of one or more of the goods offered through the electronic store, in which it indicates a delivery address by courier or a specific commercial outlet of the Seller for receiving the goods. The seller confirms receipt of the order by email, with which it is considered officially performed.

“AGREEMENT OF SALE” is a contract, by force, to which the Seller transfers or undertakes to transfer ownership of goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer pays or undertakes to pay the price for them, including the contracts, having both goods and services as their subject matter.

"DISTANCE SALE CONTRACT" means any contract, concluded between the Seller and the Buyer as part of an organized system of distance sales or provision of services at a distance without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Buyer, through the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication until the conclusion of the contract, including at the time of conclusion of the contract.

"COURIER" is a merchant, which physically delivers the purchased goods to the address specified by the Buyer and operates under the requirements of the Postal Services Act.

"BULLETIN / NOTICE" are electronic information messages, relating to goods sold in the virtual store, which are issued over a period of time, that may be posted on the Site, and may also be sent by e-mail to the User and/or the Buyer.

"MERCHANT WARRANTY" is any obligation, undertaken by the Seller or the Manufacturer to the Buyer to ensure compliance of the goods with the sales contract, to refund the amount paid or to replace or repair the goods, or to provide another type of service, related to the goods, when it does not meet the specifications or possibly other requirements, specified in the application for the provision of a commercial guarantee in addition to his legal obligation under the contract. The Seller's commercial guarantee is provided only for certain products and applies only to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

"FORCE MAJEURE" is an unforeseeable event, beyond the control of the parties, which cannot be avoided.

  1. The present general terms and conditions are mandatory for all Users and Buyers of the e-shop and in the Seller's retail outlets.

4.1 The General Terms and Conditions may be changed freely by the Seller. These general conditions apply, which are uploaded to the site at the time of its use by the User, at the time of placing the order on the site by the Buyer or at the time of making the purchase in the retail outlets by the Buyer.

4.2 The user is considered familiar with and bound by these General Terms and Conditions by the fact of using the site.

4.3 The General Terms and Conditions become binding on the Buyer and an integral part of the distance selling contract upon their acceptance by the Buyer upon completion of the order.

4.4 Buyers in commercial establishments are considered bound by these general terms and conditions by the fact of concluding the contract of sale in the respective commercial establishment.

4.5 The Seller guarantees the rights of the Users, provided for in the law and the criteria and conditions adopted in practice.

  1. Features of the virtual store.

5.1 The virtual store is available at the email address: Oragie.Net or via mobile app, through which the Users have the opportunity to conclude a distance contract for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by the Seller.

5.2 On the virtual store, Users and Buyers can:

5.2.1 Register and create your profile and use the additional services to provide information;

5.2.2 To inspect the goods, their characteristics, prices and terms of delivery;

5.2.3. To conclude contracts for purchase and sale and delivery of the goods, offered by the Seller;

5.2.4. To make any payments in connection with the concluded contracts with the Seller, according to supported payment methods;

5.2.5. To be informed about rights, arising from the law;

5.2.6. To interact with the profile they created.

  1. The goods offered for sale, their characteristics, prices and availability, are displayed on the site.

6.1 The prices offered for goods and services in the Seller's retail outlets are not necessarily applicable to the goods and services, offered in the e-shop and vice versa.

6.2 The website and mobile application provide information about the availability or lack of goods, offered in the Seller's electronic store and retail outlets.

6.3 All images, placed on the Site and the mobile application have an informative purpose to create an idea of ​​the characteristics of the offered goods.

6.4 The offer to purchase a given item is valid, if the latter is visible on the site or mobile application at the time of placing the order and the order itself is confirmed by the Seller after the creation of the request. The reflection of the order in the Buyer's profile is considered confirmation.

6.5 Offers are valid while supplies last.

6.6 The seller is not responsible for the availability of a given item. In case of ordering an unavailable/unavailable product, The seller has the right to cancel the order, informing the Buyer thereof. In this case, the Seller refunds the price paid by the Buyer for the canceled order without undue delay using the same means of payment, which was also used for payment by the Buyer.

6.7 When ordering several goods, if any of them turns out to be permanently unavailable, The Seller informs the Buyer about the impossibility of sending the goods in question. The rest of the order is processed and sent to the Buyer within the deadlines, announced on the site and in the email order tracking information. The buyer can also choose to completely cancel his order, by notifying the Seller by telephone or e-mail.

6.8 The Seller is not responsible for incorrectly entered information by the Buyer.

6.9 The information entered correctly is this, which provides the necessary data for delivery and is formatted according to the site's requirements.

6.9.1. Mandatory data, which must be entered are:

– Name of recipient;

– Contact phone number;

– Address, to which the delivery will be made.

  1. Subject of the contract.

7.1 Pursuant to the contract concluded with the Buyer for the purchase and sale of goods from a distance, The Seller undertakes to organize the delivery and transfer of ownership to the Buyer of the goods ordered by him through the site.

7.2 The Buyer pays the Seller the price of the ordered goods according to the terms, defined on the site and these General Terms and Conditions. The buyer pays the costs of delivery of the ordered goods according to the chosen delivery method. The amount of delivery costs is determined depending on the selected delivery method and delivery address. The amount of delivery costs is visualized when reaching the step of choosing a delivery method. In the event that the Buyer chooses to receive the ordered goods from a commercial outlet of the Seller, delivery costs are not charged.

7.3 The Seller and the Buyer conclude separate contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods, requested by the Buyer, regardless of whether they are selected with one electronic statement and from one list of goods for purchase.

7.4 The seller can organize together and simultaneously the delivery of the goods ordered with the separate sales contracts.

7.5 Buyers' rights in relation to the delivered goods are exercised separately for each sales contract. The exercise of rights in relation to delivered goods does not affect and has no effect in relation to contracts for the purchase and sale of other goods. Exercising the right of withdrawal from the contract for the purchase and sale of a specific item does not affect the other goods purchased under the contract.

7.6 When exercising the rights under the sales contract, the Buyer is obliged to specify the contract and the goods precisely and unequivocally, regarding, to which he exercises the rights.

7.7 The user can pay the price for the individual sales contracts at once when placing the order for the goods or upon their delivery.

Last update: May 2023