Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy notice when using video surveillance

With this privacy notice, we provide information about the purposes, the grounds and methods of personal data processing, collected through video surveillance in and around the buildings of "Rosbul Arm" EOOD, as well as the possibilities of natural persons to exercise the rights, related to personal data protection, provided for in Bulgarian and European legislation.

Personal data administrator

The administrator of the collected and processed personal data is "Rosbul Arm" EOOD, EIC: 121536792 with registered office and address of management: city. Sofia, 1592, Iskar district, zh.k. Company I,bl. 183 - ground floor, hereinafter referred to as "Rosbull Arm" and/or "Administrator" for short.

Information about our Data Protection Officer:

Rosbull Arm ensures a high level of personal data protection and in this regard has a designated Data Protection Officer ("DLZD"). DLZD is the contact person for all matters, related to the processing of your personal data, including when you exercise the rights provided for in the legislation. Email address for contact with the Data Protection Authority is:

Purpose and legal basis of the use of video surveillance

The objectives of video surveillance by Rossbull Arm are:

  • Ensuring the security of employees and visitors through security;
  • Protection of tangible assets;
  • Crime prevention and detection;
  • Establishing circumstances and improving the quality of the services offered.

The legal basis for video surveillance is:

Video surveillance is carried out based on the legitimate interest of Rosbull Arm, according to Art. 6, etc. 1, letter "f" of the Regulation 2016/679 EU.

Personal data

The video surveillance system is conventional and mostly static, by recording digital images through motion sensors. The system records a specific movement, captured by the cameras in the monitored areas, along with the time, its date and place. All cameras work continuously – 24 hours every day. Rosbull Arm's video surveillance system is not intended to intercept or otherwise process (eg indexing, profiling) images, which reveal the so-called. "special categories of data".

Areas under video surveillance

The video surveillance system covers the common areas of Rossbull Arm stores, including input and output, as well as the provided parking (where there is one).

Access and transmission of personal data

Access to videos is restricted on a "need to know" basis, specific employees with access rights have been designated. If necessary for the purposes of the investigation or prosecution of a criminal act, access may be granted to law enforcement.

Storage period and security

Rossbull Arm stores personal data only for this, as necessary, to achieve the goals, for which the records were collected and processed. In all cases, the storage period is until 30 days from the time of recording. When an incident, security related, the relevant record may be retained for a longer period than usual, as necessary for the further investigation of the incident. The storage period is also extended in the event of a crime and handover to the investigating authorities.

All possible physicals have been undertaken, technically, legal and organizational data protection measures, including against a loss, abuse, change, destruction or damage, according to the requirements of European and national legislation.

Rights of subjects

Rossbull Arm provides all rights, related to personal data and provided for in European and national legislation. These rights are:

  • Awareness;
  • Access to your own personal data;
  • Correction (if the data is inaccurate);
  • Deletion of personal data (right “to be forgotten”);
  • Restriction of processing;
  • Portability of personal data between individual administrators;
  • Objection;
  • Complaint (under the current legislation, you also have the right to complain about the method, on which your data is processed to the supervisory authority Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, Sofia 1592, is it. "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" no 2 or

In cases, when, when exercising the right of access, personal data is also disclosed to a third party, Rossbull Arm grants the subject access to their portion, relating only to him through appropriate technical measures to delete/mask the images of other persons – object of video surveillance. In the absence of such a technical possibility, access to video recordings can only be granted with the consent of all persons – object of video surveillance.

For the exercise of the rights described above, as well as questions, related to the processing of your personal data, except for the right of appeal, it is necessary to contact the Data Protection Officer, at the following email address: If needed, The GDPR will provide you with detailed information on the procedures for exercising rights. In case of need, it is possible for the GDPR to request additional information for the purpose of your identification. A response will be provided, in compliance with the terms applicable in the legislation