Hunting backpack Huntierra Wood Survivor BackPack 30 W/L Camo
Product Code: 09060031

Hunting backpack Huntierra Wood Survivor BackPack 30 W/L Camo

110.00 лв.

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Раница HADP004CM HuntierraWood Survivor BackPack” 30 литра Woodland Камуфлаж.


Раницата за лов на Huntierra модел Wood Survivor BackPack Woodland Камуфлаж е с едно основно отделение. Suitable for one-day and two-day treks.

Основен материал и характеристики:


+ Durable suede with cellular construction, waterproof;
+ Available in the following colors: Camo Prime 1: MP и Woodlands;
+ Ergonomic shoulder straps with special foam with hollow chambers guaranteeing ventilation and chest strap with adjustable length;

+ Comfortable neoprene handle for handheld use;
+ 1 голям преден джоб с цип;
+ Основно отделение с вътрешни джобове с цип;
+ 2 mesh side pockets;
+ Extremely light backpack with an ergonomically shaped air back;
+ Hydration System Department;
+ Позволява надграждане с аксесоари и допълнителни джобове, благодарение на MOLLE системата, която е по цялата раница;
+ Compression straps on both sides and bottom for maximum compression or for carrying extra gear or weapons.