Brenecke Monolit 28 12/70, Duplex
Product Code: 11014849

Brenecke Monolit 28 12/70, Duplex

4.10 лв.

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Благодарение на специална способност за поддържане на траекторията си през препятствия и

мек откат, Monolith 28 is chosen and preferred, as in racing, така и при индивидуален
лов, where its high accuracy allows successful shooting at greater distances. Поради
твърдият си материал, the good balancing and stabilizing surfaces, куршумът поддържа
първоначалната си траектория, even after hitting various obstacles, като клонки на
дървета, bushes and thick grasses.
The bullet body is machine turned, polymer coated and centered perfectly,
therefore it becomes very accurate.
The bullets do not contain lead and do not contaminate the barrels with lead shavings and burnt remains.


Main advantages:

Extremely suitable for hunting areas with dense vegetation
High penetration capability
Reduced ricochet chance
High accuracy at long distances
Minimal friction in the barrel
Can be used with any shocks
Maintains its initial trajectory upon collision with obstacles
Powerful impact and stop effect
Highest accuracy with 1mm shock